Quinoa Salad with Artichoke Hearts and Parsley
I'm making this tomorrow - it's a little more hands-on time than I like to give something during the week, but I really want to try it. Fingers crossed the nap time/rest time gods agree to indulge me with 3 children quiet at the same time. Bwahahahahah!!!
Two words: Boba Air
Bobas?! What is this strange euphemism she's using now?!
Nope, it's a type of baby carrier. Well, not necessarily a type, but rather a manufacturer. They make carriers similar to our favorite Ergo, but have come out with a newer model that is nylon and ultra-compact and zips into itself like one of those extra bags you bring with you on a trip for things you might buy along the way. Evelyn is almost big enough to be worn with her legs out on the sides (instead of folded under her bum like a frog), so I bought myself one of these carriers for travel and for keeping in the car. She still likes to snuggle in for a snooze while grocery shopping or while at the park with her brothers, so I look forward to using it with her!