I am getting carried away with all of the wonderful springy things that are possible for the upcoming long weekend... we have huge mountains of mulch and planting mix sitting in climbable piles on our parkways. Delivered by a big dump truck earlier today, we will be hauling it by the wheelbarrow-ful around the front, back, and side yards to pretty up and ready up our perennial and vegetable beds.
I want to pull weeds and plant vegetable starts (my seedlings are crap and I'm giving myself a pass this year after trying to grow seedlings during the first month of having a newborn and traveling with 3 kids to California for a week).
I want to slowly trawl the aisles of the farmer's market and peruse heirloom vegetable starts and maybe buy some rhubarb. I've never cooked with it before and would like to try these.
I want to plant some flowers and maybe a rose bush or two and find a resting place for something special for Colin. (See #3.)
I want to feel the sand between my toes for the first time at our gorgeous city beaches, opening for the season starting tomorrow!
I want to watch my big kids swim like fish at their beloved swim lessons.
I want to enjoy a warm, late-spring evening with a glass of wine or a mojito in hand.
I want to hang out with my baby on a quilt in the shade of our freshly leafed-out backyard trees.
I want to scrub our picnic table and our windows and our screens and air out the house and then have popsicles or homemade ice cream under the umbrella with the warm air nuzzling our bare toes and shoulders. And maybe grill dinner in the company of our wonderful neighbors.
I want to walk to the park in our beautiful neighborhood.
I want to play with fabric and yarn and read my newly borrowed library books:
Modern Quilt Perspectives
Wise Craft
I'll be lucky if 2 of those things happen. Okay, maybe 3 since it's a long weekend. But, it'll still be amazing.