With the season change, I've found myself with less time to blog... being outside in the hot sun zaps our energy, we're trying to stay extra busy during the unplanned summer days, and the toddler isn't napping these days (perhaps the biggest travesty of them all!).
And so, when I think of things I'd like to share here, it starts to feel like a list of bullet points. My Hipstamatic endeavor dried up late last month, so maybe I can manage a few bullet pointed lists as the summer plods along.
In the meantime, here's a prosier update on what we've been doing:
I've been reading in my spare moments. Bringing Up Bebe was very interesting and I'm now reading The Omnivore's Dilemma. I can't believe it's taken me so long to read this one. I'm entrenched in an education on the politics of corn at the moment. It makes me want to grow everything I might ever eat in my own backyard. You can't eat lovely grass, you know...
I'm working on new rep and continuing work with a local composer for a cd recording. When I can snag a few lucid minutes after bedtime, I'm sewing skirts, doll quilts for little friends' birthday parties, and a set of numbers and letters for Christopher.
Speaking of numbers and letters, Christopher's awareness of them has grown exponentially over the last few weeks. His eyes and mind are making a billion new connections each day and he's continually asking us to talk about individual letters and sounds. I'm excited for him. It must feel like he's unlocking a secret code.
Colin is, in a word: scrumptious. He claps and is thrilled with himself. He has just figured out that we've been signing the word "more" to him at mealtimes and now uses the sign himself. He gets a kick out of seeing us respond. (Looks very much like the baby's sign in the linked video.) He scoots and inches himself around the floor quietly and determinedly. I have a feeling we'll discover that he can walk when he just ambles into the room and says, "hey guys," a few months from now.
Mike continues to guide his lab here and to travel around the world, in demand by universities, international advisory boards, companies, and funding agencies. We're all too adept at hearing him sneak out for a 6am flight and help unpack his bags when he arrives home late in the evening a day or two later. Changing The World racks up a lot of frequent flyer miles. Who knew?!
I hope your summer is off to a great start.