Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back to school outfit.

School started back up this past week, so I thought the blog would get into it with a new outfit for the first Monday back at school.

Last week the weather changed to a gorgeous mid-70s with zippo in the way of humidity and even - believe it - a slight chill in the air in the mornings. I had to wear slippers around the house! That tease of fall weather was perfectly timed with the beginning of school.

We live down the street from a super-dooper elementary school (one of the Top 10 in the state, if we may be so bold as to point out), and the electricity in the air last week was downright palpable. Kids and parents and dogs were out in full force: dropping off, picking up, catching up, waving, hugging, clutching bundles of papers outlining directions and guidelines, laughing (I'm sure a little crying, too!), and just general *living*. It's great.

Christopher and I walked by on our way to the park in the afternoon just after 4pm and the number of kids and strollers and bikes and parents milling around made it look as though the final bell had rung moments before, not a full hour prior. C couldn't take his eyes off of all the big kids. I know he's taking notes and admiring them. They must seem huge and so very mature to him at this point.

So, we're all spruced up here at the blog as a welcome to a new year. I know, I know, it's the academic year, but in case it hasn't become totally clear - Mike and I will be "in school" until we're dead and gone, so September is the month that marks OUR new year. It's going to be a good one... our second in our new city, our second as parents, and our first full one in our new abode.