We headed out to California for 10 days earlier this month and enjoyed temps in the 50s... then we returned to Chicago only to be greeted by delightful spring weather! So, the fact that it's snowing today is kind of a bummer.
While we trudge around in a very light coating of the white stuff, I'll remind myself that I did see crocuses peeking out and that I did leave the down coat behind for almost 2 full weeks. And, that spring will come... eventually. (Actually, it's not bad at all, but for most of our California readers, it seems to be a large topic of conversation, so I may as well play it up - can you hear the violin strings whining in the background?!)
Our August-born babe got his first taste of The Park! and The Swings! while in California and this trend continued this week as we met friends at the park for more Swinging! and Kid Watching! This is all capped and exclamation-pointed because that's what Christopher looks like when he's out there enjoying the motion and the commotion.
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