Sunday, October 11, 2009

Settling into Evanston

Originally uploaded by megbeltran
Finding our new favorite cafe (Fraiche on Noyes Street!), ironing out the best way to get to the grocery store, filling in the gaps in the apartment, getting Illinois title and registration for the car (ugh)...

All very necessary, yet not jaw-droppingly exciting activities that go along with a move to a new place. We're loving our new town and are still learning what our routine is in our new surroundings. (Or maybe we should throw the word "routine" out the window since we now have a TWO month old!?!?)

Christopher is growing by leaps and bounds, by rolls and dimples, and by coos and giggles. We're so lucky he's here with us.

In this photo: Mike and Christopher along Lake Michigan on Evanston's Clark Street Beachfront Park.