Friday, March 6, 2009

It's melting!

Fingers are crossed that this past Monday's snowfall was the last of the season. With temperatures expected in the 60s tomorrow... how can Mother Nature possibly be so cruel as to smack us with more snow at this point? It's MARCH, for crying out loud!

The best part is that the snow pack is melting. Wider walking paths on the sidewalks, less build up of brown/black snow...

Just like the Wicked Witch... it's melting!

In the mornings there are a few brave birdies singing in the trees, and this today I didn't even wear a hat to work! Take that Winter! Spring is just around the corner. (It HAS to be!)

There's even evidence of spring in our home: a small vase of daffodils is sitting on our kitchen table -- sweetly brought over this afternoon by a girlfriend who dropped by for a cup of tea and some yarn-fun.