Sunday, December 21, 2008

No dreaming necessary...

It's going to be a white Christmas here in Cambridge.

This was the scene on our street this morning when I came trudging back from my church job... it's been snowing off and on since Friday afternoon and is still coming down! So gorgeous...

Baby, it's cold outside!

A quick catch-up: I had three trips to NYC for auditions in the span of ONE WEEK earlier this month. Mike came along for the final trip and we did some of our favorite NYC-at-Christmas-time things.

Caroling on the steps of St. Pat's on 5th Avenue
(l-r: Toby, me, Barry, Chuck)

Visit the tree at Rockefeller Center
Have hot chocolate after an afternoon of shopping (or caroling!)
Elbow our way through the Miracle (of consumerism) on 34th Street known as Macy's
Stop by Levain Bakery for a pick-me-up

Levain's Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookie = ooey-gooey love in the palm of your hand

Happy Holidays to all! Stay warm and snuggled up next to those you love!