Sunday, April 17, 2011

What we're up to these days.

- Ripping back the plentiful number of perennials in our garden. We need that space for veggies!

- Taking a hacksaw to the trumpet vine. Don't worry... it will be back in another month or two.

- Listening to "Chickens!" and reading about "Chickens!"

- Writing proposals and papers. And more proposals and more papers. And even more proposals and papers.

- Making cabbage soup since we got a head of the stuff in our bin this week. Cabbage outside of St. Patty's Day?!? Turns out, it can be done. And it's pretty tasty.

- Taking a good voice lesson and reworking some cornerstones of the repertoire.

- Organizing social time in the form of playgroups.

- Steaming dainty asparagus and teeny new potatoes for dinner... salivating as we think of the fresh peas to be purchased at the Farmer's Market in 3 weeks' time.

- Walking around the neighborhood to greet passing dogs, "Hi Dog! Bye Dog!"

- Whispering words of encouragement to my brave young seedlings in the basement workroom.

- Fermenting homemade yogurt and baking up batches of granola twinged with ginger (best when served together and topped with fresh strawberries).